Sunday 18 October 2009



1. 朋友您好 , 為了你好
2. 請你坐好 , 用心听好
3. 錢多錢少 , 夠吃就好
4. 人丑人美 , 順眼就好
5. 人老人少 , 健康就好
6. 家穷家富 , 和气就好
7. 老公晚归 , 有回就好
8. 老婆嘮叨 , 顾家就好
9. 孩子从小 , 就要教好
10. 博士也好 , 賣菜也好
11. 長大以后 , 乖乖就好
12. 房屋大小 , 能住就好
13. 名不名牌 , 能穿就好
14. 兩輪四輪 , 能駕就好
15. 老板不好 , 要忍就好
16. 一切煩惱 , 能解就好
17. 堅持執着 , 放下最好
18. 人的一生 , 平安就好
19. 不是有錢 , 一定会好
20. 心好行好 , 命能改好
21. 誰是誰非 , 天知就好
22. 修福修慧 , 來世更好
23. 說這麼多 , 明白就好
24. 天地万物 , 隨緣就好
25. 很多事情 , 看開就好
26. 人人都好 , 日日都好
27. 你好我好 , 世界更好
28. 总而言之 , 知足最好
29. 這条短信 , 真的很好
30. 不发給你 , 是我不好
31. 发了給你 , 大家都好
32. 哈哈,你說我对你好不好

Saturday 26 September 2009

New Life Begin

I have again pack all my stuff and bags ready to leave my lovely home and going to land at a stranger place... Singapore. Yes.. that is a new place for me as I haven't been there before in my entire life.

After almost a year of our luck trying in the UK, enjoying all (But not all) the nice scenary in the nice place in UK, now I am going to explore another new place in Singapore, one of the advanced country in Asia. The feeling is not as excited as when i been to UK, I am not sure why... maybe because we knew that Singaporean working attitude is totally different from the European. I have to be very serious and putting all the energy and mind into the work so that i could be able to speed up with the working environment over here.

One week after my trip to Singapore, and now I have been to few interviews and they had offered me a job. I had chosen the same company as my darling was in as they had offer me a better salary than the other company. Besides, I also would want to focus on the consultancy firm rather than in the sub-contractor firm anymore. Will be starting my new job on the 5th Oct 2009...

A new life for me to start over again, a new target for me to aim for again... Wish me best of luck! :-)

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Our Registration of Marriage

Registration Day 14.07.2009

This day is a memorable day of my entire life. Never expected to get register so soon actually, but with the approach of my dear about half year ago, we decided to get register first once we back from Uk to Malaysia.

Now, my status had become different from previous, I am no longer single in status. However, I always can't change of my mouth because I still will call him as my boy friend instead of husband. hahahaha..... It felt very funny to call him as husband in front of friends...

I feel like just wake up from a dream! I have registered now! I am people's wife now! Oh!!! Feeling like stepping into the other stage of life.... But I will sure make myself a happy "going to be bride"... Although we never plan of when will we get married "traditionally", but it seem like it soon to be one day. I want to be the most beautiful and the most happy bride (if the day really come)!! ^-^

Monday 15 June 2009










Saturday 30 May 2009





爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要靠‘际遇’,是上天的安排,但是持续的爱一个人就要靠 ‘努力’,在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素就是沟通,体谅,包容与自制(面临诱惑有所自制)。有许多人总是因‘际遇’所迷惑与苦恼,意念不停,欲念不断,而忘了培养经营感情的能力才是幸福的关键。

所以不要去追问到底谁才是我的 Mr. Right, 而是n问说在眼前的伴侣关系中,我能努力到什么程度,成长到什么程度,若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就算真的 Mr. Right出现在你身边,幸福依然会错过的,而活在犹豫与遗憾当中,这不就是许多‘爱情虚无症’的遭遇与心态吗?




Saturday 2 May 2009

Farm Town + Pet Society

You all must be very curious why i write about the Farm Town and Pet Society of Facebook...

No doubt, these games will accompany me along my "non-working" days starting from next week. I am going to fully utilise the game and spend my time with them to earn more coins and score now!!! hahahaha... no choice... can't even get any part time QS job now... Wanted to work in restaurent, but after further thought, this will make me more tired when going back to work in the office. Just let see how will things turn out end of the month, if really no good sign of it, then Malaysia or Singapore is my next destination... Gambate!!!

Friday 1 May 2009

Bad Friday :-(

Today is a bad day for me... I have been informed that even though everyone in my department was being cut cost from 5 days work to 2 days work, i wouldn't be affected... but today... before the meeting go on, the 2 bosses came in and told me to work on 2 days work as well. I was so blur, not clear about they are instructing me to work on 2 days work or just to tell me that others will be working on 2 days work... after the meeting finish, the estimator director asked me whether i knew that i am in the list also, then i just realised that i was also in the list!!! OMG... It was about 60% cost cutting!!! How can we survive?? After deduction on rental and food, there is not much left... :-(

Therefore, we plan to go back home and will try to get a new journey of life again maybe in Singapore or middle east or just work in Malaysia.... What can we do? That cost cutting is just equivalent to redundancy now...

Thursday 30 April 2009

My second time ^-^...

This is my second time having a blog in my entire life... Writing a blog used to be fun for me last time, but due to some business in life, everything just stop me from writing my blog anymore.

I would like to thank my dearly 'sister' for introduce me this blog site. I am now getting back my writing skill, and hope can continue writing my blog... Yeah!!!